Heroes of Might & Magic III HD Información de modificación
As in the computer version, here there is the possibility of entering cheat codes. While on the world map, click on the empty interface area in the lower left corner (see the fifth screenshot), then enter:
nwcshrubbery - get 100000 gold and 100 each pecypca;
nwcalreadygotone - open the Graal card;
nwcgeneraldirection - open all the card; nwcantioch - get all the machines;
nwctim - get 999 mana and all the end;
nwccastleanthrax - Maximal Edition;
nwcmuchrejoicing - Maximum Max;
nwcigotbetter - to increase the number by one
nwcavertingoureyes - in all of the best slots of the selected hero there are 5 apkangles;
nwcfleshwound snake snippet - in all the blank slots of the selected hero appear 10 Black Persons;
nwcoconuts - beekect
nwconlyamodel - to see the building in all the cities;